Player name: Diaz Castro, SergioSee rating chart
Most recent federation:   Spain
Date of birth: 17 May 1981
Most recent ID: 2250608
Sex: man
  list        pos  Player_ID  Name                                 Title Fed  Rtng   +/-  Gms   Birthday   Sex  Flag 
Oct 2001    19000=  2250608  Diaz Castro, Sergio                         ESP  2141    -4    1  1981.05.17            
Jul 2001    18680=  2250608  Diaz Castro, Sergio                         ESP  2145   -83   22  1981.05.17            
Apr 2001    10720=  2250608  Diaz Castro, Sergio                         ESP  2228   +24    8  1981.05.17            
Jan 2001    12723=  2250608  Diaz Castro, Sergio                         ESP  2204     0    0                        
Oct 2000    12678=  6900275  Diaz Castro, Sergio                         AND  2204     0    0  1981.05.17            
Jul 2000    12483=  6900275  Diaz Castro, Sergio                         AND  2204         14  1981.05.17